Limousine Hanoi – Catba Island

Address : Aroma Viet Nam Travel: No 46, No 46, Tung Dinh street, Cat Ba town, Cat Hai distric, Hai Phong city.

Information Detail :

Aroma Vietnam Travel provides Limousine ticket booking service Hanoi – Catba Island. Modern, business class 9 seats, 10 seats, 11 seats fully equipped will bring you an interesting journey.

Limousine bus Hanoi – Cat Ba, modern and comfortable

– Ticket price: 450,000 VND/pax (price includes speedboat tickets, shuttle bus from Cat Ba to hotels)

Departure time of Limousine Hanoi – Catba Island

  • Afternoon departure to Hanoi: 7:30, 10:30, 12:30, 14:30
  • Cat Ba in the afternoon: 7:30, 9:00, 12:30, 16:00

Pick up/drop off at Hanoi Pho Co.

– New highway car 5B. Estimated travel time to Got Ferry is 02 hours. Transfer to the island is 30 minutes.

Accompanied service

– Free wet wipes with filtered water

– Modern facilities include: massage chair, wifi, battery charger, air conditioner, blanket, …

– Customers who rent the whole car are entitled to a special discount on the price.

– Receive 2-way express delivery from Hanoi to Cat Ba.

– Book tickets online or via hotline easily 24/7. Flexible payment & cancellation policy. For details, please contact Aroma Vietnam Travel (trỏ đến đường link fanpage), or hotline: –

Aroma Vietnam Travel is committed to 3 NO: do not catch passengers along the way, do not transfer to passenger cars, do not carry more than the number of seats…

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